Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bronchial Pneumonia

Waiting for a physioteraphy session. Very scared moment! Poor of you my dear..
My two girls were suffered of Bronchial Pneumonia last 2 months. Force them to being admitted for 4 days at DEMC, Shah Alam. Poor little girls! ..and mama too!..and Abah also (settled the bills). Hopefully.. no more "admitted" after this!
For mommies out there..usually this BP starts with a common cold and cough that is being neglected, it gradually gets worse and needs to be treated by a paed. So..if you notice a wheezing sound of your child breath, bring them to paed immediately.
"Bronchial pneumonia is a bacterial or viral infection affecting the bronchial tubes and patches of the lungs. Irritation and inflammation can spread to several bronchi patches and is likely to be present in both lungs. Patients can develop this condition after being sick from a cold or flu due to a weakened immune system; asthma and allergy sufferers--as well as smokers--are more susceptible to bronchial pneumonia due to decreased lung capacity. This disease is more common in infants, children, the elderly, and patients with compromised immune systems, affecting the respiratory system as well as the entire body."


dilazrin said...

Kak Aimi, skrng masih kat spital lg ke?.

Unknown said...

Tak lah Dilla..Tu gambar masa bulan februari. Anak sihat ke? Kalau anak awak batuk2 jangan biar berpanjangan tau..ada kahak je..jumpa pakar kanak2 sebab kadang2 klinik biasa ni..kurang sikit..