Thursday, October 8, 2009

Baby Bottles - BPA Free.....

Dear Mommies....

I just want to share with you about the dangers of Bisphenol A (BPA) that present in most plastics, especially baby bottles. Here are two of my new baby bottles (BPA Free) that I just bought last night at TESCO. Why I am so concious..???

BPA is a synthetic chemical used to make baby plastic bottles. It has been used for many years to make a variety of baby products and recently news have resurfaced that the chemical can leech out and cause harm to the baby. Tests done in small animals reveal that even minute doses of Bisphenol A are highly toxic. Today, every medical problem in the baby is being blamed on Bisphenol A. There are claims that Bisphenol A causes hyperactive behavior, obesity, decreases attention span, induces spontaneous anger, causes disruptive behavior spells and may even act like a carcinogen.



newkid-photography said...

Wonder why all these while, the manufacturers never really take this into consideration... what about all other bottles on the market...

Unknown said...


Now we have variety of it depends on us..that's why..always check the material that being used before buy. The most safety..PP5.